Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Operational Management Business Plan Term Paper
Operational Management descent Plan - Term Paper Example(National Center for Education Statistics) Operations management is essentially overseeing processes that sport inputs into outputs. The goal is to achieve organisational objectives at the lowest cost in order to maximise profits. I imprint for General Trading which is a grocery and dairy supplier. The portfolio accommodates distribution, wholesale as well as exporting operations. The company trades in approximately 10,000 grocery items and 2,000 products and sports its own brands Parade and Better Valu. The export markets range from Europe, southern America, Africa, Caribbean and the Middle East. (General Trading) The largest branch of operations exists for food items delivery to supermarkets within the metropolitan argona. General Trading acts as the middle man between the wholesalers and the larger grocery stores. Myriad physical resources including warehouses, offices, transport equipment, support function are require d to support operations. On the human side, hundreds of workers are required each day by General Trading to ensure prompt delivery of food items. The business philosophy is rather ancient and well set in and the management is not highly committed to change (in terms of modernisation). argumentation operations demand investment in physical and human resources in order to maximise expertness and production. At General Trading the, top management has been relentlessly unwilling to invest money in company operations in the short-term to prosper in the long-run. The companys operations live on due to lack of training, archaic physical resources, inefficient warehouse operations (stacking and retrieval), lack of employee metrics as well as the lack of a coherent quality management scheme. Operation Analysis and rating General Trading being a logistics operator has to deal with memory board and transportation. These two operations institute the bulk of the companys operations manage ment. Goods flow both into and out of the warehouse. The material needs to be stacked in order of certain preferences so that it lav be readily deployed as required. These preferences include delivery dates, nature of food materials (preserved or fresh), room for fire fighting and escape etc. feed orders are created to record all transactions of incoming and outgoing food materials. Experienced personnel are required to create food orders so that the right amount of detail is entered flawlessly intro records. Similarly, experienced store handlers are required to locate the food materials both when they arrive and when they are about to leave. Investments in the physical equipment have also been lacking which have promoted inefficient operations. A description of the operations is provided below for areas where improvements are desired. Relevant weaknesses are listed alongside the process evaluation so that continuity and relevance can be maintained. Warehousing Warehousing refers to the storage of materials for further processing. In terms of business value addition, warehousing
Monday, April 29, 2019
ABU DHABI ISLAMIC BANK - CASE STUDY Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
ABU DHABI ISLAMIC BANK - - Case Study ExampleIslamic banking became popular in Arab countries by 2003 and also in Malaysia. The weigh of banks increased to 450 during 2009 moreover about 300 conventional banks argon observe to offer to Islamic banking products and services to the customers. In the last five years, Islamic banks had witnessed rapid growth in assets, which have doubled during the period (ADIB, 2014a).The Islamic bank is referred to the bank that follows the Sharia principles with regard to financing, investment and banking. These banks are controlled and supervised by the Central Banks. The banks meet the requirement of the customers by following the Sharia principles (Siraj, and Pillai, 2012). It provides with a number of options that helps the customers to safe guard their investments and finance. These options are Musharakah (joint venture), Ijarah (leasing), letter of credit, Murahaba (Cost plus) and covered cards. The banks have Sharia boards, which comprise Isl amic jurists, who chitchat and control the different aspects of the new banking transactions (ADIB, 2014a).During the global financial crisis, it is observed that the banks were affected severely however, it scarcely made any impact on the Islamic banks. Mortgage crisis was regarded as the main cause of the blank space in the US. The stability in Islamic banks originates from its nature of business as the financing method is base on Sharia principle, which dictates Musharakah, Ijarah and Mudarabah (ADIB, 2014a). In light of the above principles and practices that are followed by Islamic banks, the following persona analyses the operation of Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank (ADIB). The case highlights the financial condition of the bank post and pre-financial crisis.ADIB was founded in 1980 and short it has become the largest financial institution operating under Sharia principle in Egypt. It has received the highest foodstuff standards. It employs around 2000 employers who form a dynam ic
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Money management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
money management - Essay ExampleIf I throne the KD 500,000 with a life restitution company past I may be able to earn a stable income each family with adjustments for inflation. ground on discussions with my insurance company the following table reflects the amount that I would receive if I invest in an insurance policy that makes adjustments for inflation and pays my estate the balance of my policy at death.Table 1 in Appendix 1 provides the necessary information. The table shows an initial investment of KD 500,000 and indicates that over a 20 year period and assuming a 3.5% rate of interest and an inflation rate of 3%, I would be able to have an inflation adjusted income of KD 15,000 in year 1 continuing to $26,302 defrayment in year 20. The table only shows 20 eld because I assume that the number of years that I go by live after retirement is approximately 20. This policy however, continues as long as I am alive. The balance on the account at year 20 suggests that there wi ll be sufficient funds for me to earn an income many years after year 20. In fact, my jumper cable amount only starts declining in year 12 suggesting that I will be paid out of interest earned on the investment only up to year 11. After year 11 the payments will start affecting my principal. My total receipt up to year 20 would be KD 403045.62 with a balance on the account of KD 443,861.55. This indicates a net return of KD 346,907.17 ((KD 403,045.62 + KD 443,861.55) KD 500,000).In the event that I tell apart to manage the funds personally then I would be able to make earnings at rates between 3 to 7 per cent. This fund would consist of a mixture of bonds and stocks with at to the lowest degree 60% of the funds in stocks. I would use the income generated from the fund n the first year year 1 as a basis to determine my future income if I am to maintain the identical standard of living. I therefore allow for an inflation rate of 3% as with the life insurance option. Table 2 in A ppendix 1 provides information on this fund. An average rate of
Saturday, April 27, 2019
Diversity Research Audit Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Diversity Audit - Research Paper ExampleIn seeking to hunt wherefore Sodexo has experienced such a high direct of diverseness, the first article that will be mentioned at heart this brief literature refreshen is entit lead Shifting the Diversity Climate. As such, Ringold and Feinsten headspring to the ways in which Sodexo made a marked shift towards seeking to promote greater degrees of diversity in the forecasts that it could boost their success. Realizing that it is not mathematical for a firm to be profitable and exist and elaborate in a market that is itself progressively diverse, Sodexo came to realize the means of capturing such a market was at least tangentially dependent upon the level of diversity they could represent. A similar approach is made with measure to Anand and Winters analysis that sought to integrate a further level of appreciation for the way in which Sodexo led the shift towards appreciating diversity and the impacts that it could bring as early as 1 964. In allowing the reader to gain a level of oversight with regards to the historical tuition that the culture took, the article is useful in helping to train a historical approach to how and why the diversity came to be evidenced in the way it did within the modern era.... By delineating a response to each of these questions, and by providing a thorough literature review, it is the hope of this author that the true measurement of what helps to separate Sodexo from other firms within the extant environment tail be delineated. Moreover, it is the further hope of this student that through such an understanding, the appreciation and description of best practices with regards to promoting diversity can be engaged. Literature Review In seeking to trace why Sodexo has experienced such a high level of diversity, the first article that will be mentioned within this brief literature review is entitled Shifting the Diversity Climate (Ringold & Feinstein, 2011). As such, Ringold and Feins ten point to the ways in which Sodexo made a marked shift towards seeking to promote greater degrees of diversity in the hopes that it could boost their success. Realizing that it is not possible for a firm to be profitable and exist and thrive in a market that is itself increasingly diverse, Sodexo came to realize the means of capturing such a market was at least tangentially dependent upon the level of diversity they could represent. A similar approach is made with respect to Anand and Winters (2008) analysis that sought to integrate a further level of appreciation for the way in which Sodexo led the shift towards appreciating diversity and the impacts that it could bring as early as 1964. In allowing the reader to gain a level of oversight with regards to the historical development that the culture took, the article is useful in helping to formulate a historical approach to how and why the diversity came to be evidenced in the way it did within the modern era. Thomas and
Friday, April 26, 2019
Frost resistance of concrete containing brick aggregate Dissertation
Frost resistance of concrete containing brick fuse - Dissertation ExampleThis amazing ability also allowed him to predict, characterize and exploit the chemical and physical qualities of minerals, metals and new(prenominal) elements found in nature. It is this specific knowledge that postulates it possible to develop new applications in the industries such as social system, shipbuilding, manufacturing, food production, etc. Early structures built by early civilizations of Egypt, China, India and different nations are still in existence today, although most of them are in ruins already. Man will always build new structures as ha slurat and places to work in, sometimes building skyscrapers to maximize the use of limited land. However, a growing realization that Earths resources are not infinite has lead to the Green Movement in the construction industry these days. A big component of todays modern structures is concrete which makes up more than 60% of the total volume in construc tion materials. This paper discusses the exciting possibilities of using concrete with brick aggregates in them to improve their frost resistance and make them dour-lasting. This paper examines the use of brick aggregates instead of the separate usual aggregates in cement. Some studies showed brick aggregates concrete to wee-wee repair qualities (Singh 27). I. Aim of the Project It is the aspiration of every architect and engineer to build structures which can last for long periods of time. The idea is to build for posterity if possible and this can be done with the right types of construction materials. concrete has always been a favourite material due to its availability, strength and ease of use. The word concrete comes from the Latin concretus which means compact or condensed this makes concrete desirable as a material of choice. In concrete, builders have found the ideal material to construct grand buildings of all shapes and sizes. Concrete is a composite construction mate rial derived by mixing cement with fly ash, slags, aggregates (made up of gravel, crushed rocks, limestone, granite and a little bit of sand) water and several chemical ad medleys. Concrete solidifies into place after mixing it with water in a process known as hydration. The water reacts chemically with the cement to form and bond all its other components together into a hard rock-like material. Concrete is the most widely-used man-made construction material in the humanity today. A lot of factors determine whether the concrete will stand the test of time. Moreover, engineering structural designs deficiency to take into consideration the actual load weights imposed on the concrete. A concrete structure is clear to various elements of nature such as wind, rain, earthquakes, fires, moisture and snow, to name just a few. In other words, the durability of a structure is to a large extent determined by its exposure to the elements. An pregnant consideration that allows a concrete mix ture to withstand the extreme elements of nature is the design and composition of the aggregates mixture forming the concrete. It is in this regard that I am examining how brick aggregates can improve the frost resistance of the concrete. A re-examination of its in demand(p) frost-resistant qualities is vital because it will improve concrete structures by making them more durable. It will help in minimising use of scarce construction materials by reducing a need to build new structures to put back old ones. The problem of
Thursday, April 25, 2019
Humanities 17th-20th Centuries within Art, Music, Literature, and Essay
humanities 17th-20th Centuries within Art, Music, Literature, and Philosophy - Essay ExampleAs time progressed other philosophical views entered into society as well, some of the main ones being focuse on romantic realism or otherwise the eliminate to nature through and through Rousseaus philosophy. There were an extensive number of philosophical thoughts, and even Darwin had a profound personate in them and these time periods.The varying favorable dilutes of these periods had not only an imp form on people in public but also in private as well as they were ideally copulation to politics and focused in on politicians, bureaucrats, and even on private spousal relationships/family life in some ways (Ramia 2002). Furthermore, classical liberalism evolved during this period and with it within the context of the social contract there were ideas adamantly affected such as, independent choices, and individual consents on specific societal issues. One could say that the contract brough t about many individual freedoms but also led to there being a pick up for a larger and stronger legal body present in society in order to conserve the rights of citizens in squares and marketplaces. The cause of these changes as well as the ideal of the social contract stemmed from the speedy rising of industrialization and the various markets economies (Ramia 2002). Due to this form of individualism and freedom each individual had rights as well and it was found that the contract freed individuals from any form of positive obligation to one another. Furthermore, it was this social contract that was used to implement distributive justice in society to ensure that law was upheld and all individuals had their rights and freedoms kept intact, which provided a form of social protection (Ramia 2002).Due to these social contracts and how they affected the general public, Locke devised a philosophical framework through his own thoughts concerning this which was titled, Natural Law (Gran t 2000). History finds that it was Lockes theory in itself that moved those of Western thought into a new direction, as his philosophy emphasized a civic duty to obey the laws of society quite a than from the body of authority alone. Lockes philosophy proposed that since the social contract developed laws that were consented to by the bodies of the people in reciprocal agreement, and so of course they were powers that should be naturally followed, such as a natural duty or as he termed it, natural law (Grant 2000). Because Locke defined people as being reasonable then his philosophy showed that if there were indeed reasonable people in the body of the society defined by the social contract then they would accordingly devise natural laws that would become redefined into natural duties due to the binds of the social contract. In other words, Locke was proposing that the social contract was indeed a universal duty that required citizens to act a certain way among one another because it was the logical way to ensure human rights on an individual basis and of which made and kept a rational society. Again, Lockes philosophical reasoning was the key in shifting many societies
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
BIO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 6
BIO - Essay ExampleIn particular, I lead a group of officers to survey and install aegis application. In that accord, I completed a office survey for a new secure yard for FSR and STSs.Using my technical expertness, I was able to impact a malfunctioning Pick to Light (PLT) System. Specifically, the system had lost its audio, and I was able to detect the soil through troubleshooting using a particular program and restore it to its previous functionality. In the absence of a video for the TOC users, I relied on my knowledge and skills to replace four Video Matroxs to restore the videos, and the TOC operators used them.My efforts and expertise has not gone unnoticed since I received a TOC coin and awarded for excellence work performance. Specifically, this happened fleck working as a TDY to Basrah where I successfully cleared 35 alarms in the TR room within two minutes of customer calls. In addition, I installed four TV monitors in the TOC for better security coverage of the emba ssy compound for customers. In short, this illustrates my incredible knowledge, expertise, and experience in the technology-enhanced security
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
Air Astana and Alliances Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 14750 words
assembly line Astana and Alliances - Dissertation ExampleIt has been informed and increasingly taken in to account that the airline does not feed any collaboration or tie up with regards to the fleet focal point or course rulement, with any other airline in the world. Air Astana being one of the most economic and largest operators of airlines basing out of the Kazakhstan region is increasingly taking into consideration, the relative advantages and disadvantages that the company smoke confuse in damage of forming a chain of collaboration or network for the purpose of fleet management as fountainhead as route management. The project has been approached by giving a general overview of orbicular airline manufacture that is operating in every routine of the globe. The next part moves on towards the dish out of giving a brief insight in terms of airline industry operating in UK and Kazakhstan as come up as providing vital information and insights on the airline Air Astana. The next part of the project provides an analytic thinking of the external as well internal factors pertaining to the macro and micro economic conditions that can propose a series of threat and benefits to the working strategies and operations of the airline company. The next parts comprises of the seek methodology as well as the relevant findings and discussions in line with the research methodology.... the relative advantages and disadvantages that the company can have in terms of forming a chain of collaboration or network for the purpose of fleet management as well as route management. The project has been approached by giving a general overview of global airline industry that is operating in every part of the globe. The next part moves on towards the process of giving a brief insight in terms of airline industry operating in UK and Kazakhstan as well as providing vital information and insights on the airline Air Astana. The next part of the project provides an analysis of the ex ternal as well internal factors pertaining to the macro and micro economic conditions that can propose a series of threat and benefits to the working strategies and operations of the airline company. The next parts comprises of the research methodology as well as the relevant findings and discussions in line with the research methodology. The last comprises of the conclusions and discussions which have been found, determined and or identified as a part of the research analysis of the project. Chapter 1 knowledgeableness 1.1 Background of the discipline 1.2 Objectives of the Study 1.3 Research Questions 1.4 Significance of the Study 1.5 Research Structure 1.1 Background of the Study Aviation is regarded as a highly important and critical management process which is followed actively in the sector of airline industry. The prime and fundamental responsibility and objective of the aviation industry is to strategically manage and overlook the entire operational performance as well as worry related performances in the airline sector. The secondary objectives comprises of overlooking and encouraging necessary technological developments for the purpose of increasing of operational and business
Monday, April 22, 2019
Brighter Cleaning Company Marketing Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Brighter Cleaning follow Marketing Plan - Essay ExampleThis paper illustrates that the number of employees and feature puts the Brighter Cleaning Company in a position to handle any size of customers. Brighter Cleaning Company main focus is supplying cleaning products to the assembly linees around. The company offers products to some parts of Ohio Defiance, Bryan, Plymouth, Peru, Lima, Napoleon, Celina, and Coldwater. Other areas that the companys products have gained popularity are Auburn, Anderson, Angola Bluffton and Fort Wayne just to name a few. The Brighter Cleaning Company offers janitorial equipment and cleaning solutions products for article of furniture and floors. The cleaning products and janitorial equipment help in keeping the workplace clean and free from germs. The products can be categorized into three major areas equipment, paper products, and cleaning chemicals. The specific products include brooms, brushes, dustpans, chemicals, dust mops, dusters and cleaning p ads. Additional separate products are a floor and furniture care, janitorial carts, paper products, rags, and wipes. The Brighter Cleaning Company also offers receptacles, personal care, starter bags, liners, recycling equipment and replacement parts. Branding is among the most significant factors that enhance the success of any business, irrespective of its size, B2B or retail. Affective branding process offers the business a cutting edge in increasing its conflict in the market. Simply put, a business brand is like a promise to business clients that the business is ready and willing to adhere to the proposed brand requirements. A brand tells customers what to expect from the products and services that are cosmos developed. According to Sheth, it is important to realize that in making the business brand, it is often derived from the routine activities that the business is compound in. it explains what the business is all about, who it wants to become in the near future as well as the salmagundi of image that it wants its customers to perceive. Thereafter, it provides the direction that the business managers are going to take in reaching the destination that is outline in the brand name. The advantage of having a successful brand is that it often becomes a container for creating and storing the goodwill and temperament of the business.
'Critically examine the relationship between war and underdevelopment' Essay
critically examine the relationship between war and underdevelopment - Essay ExampleBefore analyzing the impact of war on development, the present paper will first provide a precise discussion of factors that cause war. geomorphologic and determinist explanations of the causes of war or violence suggest that circumstances compel people to involve in war. There can be several economic factors relating to grievances, inequality or scarcity social issues relating to whatsoever kind of ethnic, religious or gender differences or political factors like incompatible claims to power, resources etc. well-nigh other explanations look at the agency problems and claim that war results from the choices that peoples agency direct and their fight is quite rational. If the previous two approaches of explaining the causes of war argon combined, then it can be express that peoples choice of getting into violence or war is shaped by the prevalent circumstances, which may be based on some conflict ing interests or differing rationalities among groups.There is no suspect that war has numerous electronegative impacts on social, political and economic life of people. Many people argon of the opinion that war negatively affects development of a country or region. Huge be are involved in war. There are a lot of studies which have described several negative effects of war. Among various types of costs, the economic costs are the most important ones that directly affect the developmental process of a country or region. According to Dreze and Gazdar (Dreze and Gazdar, 1991, p. 930), the economic and welfare consequences that resulted from UN-Iraq Gulf war was more(prenominal) severe than the suffering that resulted directly from the war. There exists a distinction between direct and substantiating costs of war on human welfare. Direct costs imply the destruction that the war causes to the civilization, while indirect costs are those that are realized in the later periods. During war several economic strategies are undertaken which produces huge impact, mostly in a negative way on the development. For
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Banning of gun ownership in the united states Research Paper
Banning of natural gas self-command in the united states - Research Paper eventThere is a high correlation and strong relationship between higher levels of firearm self-command and higher firearm homicide rates. The states with higher levels of firearm ownership have disproportionally larger number of lethal wedge incidents from firearm-related homicides. gun for hire incidents reported daily through the various mass media channels also accumulate truculent relationship among hundreds of millions of other Americans. The fear of becoming one of the gun victims acts destructively on society, and people guide to underestimate the risks of gun ownership at home. An idea of self-protection with a gun fails to be made as a vortex of emotions often doesnt allow sensibly assess the situation. In attachment to the above stated factors, the study reveals that gun ownership mightily also has oblique economic consequences as governments, companies, and individuals are paying medical examination expense premiums, escalated due to inflated prices of medical, life, and disability insurance. In addition to medical and insurance expenditures, firearm also results in increased costs of the work of various regulatory bodies. For today, gun ownership regulation in the join States is relatively lax due to its permissive position and the right for private gun ownership guaranteed by law. There are some obvious gaps and leakage in the gun control regulation and until all the issues are solved and severely regulated, right for gun ownership should be banned. List of illustrations I. Chart 1. fundamental Number of Gun Deaths in the United States, 1999-2011.....10 II. Chart 2. Total Number of Gun Homicide Rates in the United States, 1998-2011...10 III. Chart 3. Handgun Homicides in the United States, 1999-2011...11 IV. carry over 1. Overview of the Mass Gun Massacres in the United States..15 Table of Contents Letter of transmittal5 origin....6 The Second Amendment a Tri gger for Gun Violence....7 Lax Gun Regulation in the United States..8 Suicide and Homicide Rates..9 Correlation between Gun Ownership and Homicide and Suicide rates...12 Overview of Mass Gun Massacres...13 Negative Impact on Society.17 Economic Impact of Gun Ownership Rights.......18 Conclusion19 Bibliography.20 Letter of transmittal Date 03/12/13 Professor Assistant Professor, Department of ..university (or other organization) skillful Sir Subject Submission of research proposal on Ban of Gun Ownership Right in the United States Here is the research proposal that has been completed by the knowledge that had been gathered through the alternate research method of literature review. I
Saturday, April 20, 2019
What are the main roles that the United Nations plays in international Essay
What are the main roles that the United Nations plays in international politics To what extent is it successful, and how should that success be gauged - Essay ExampleEconomic instability and imperialistic tendencies led to WWI and WWII, a fact not lost on the founding nations of the UN. The protective cover Council, the most important component of the UN is responsible for preserving international security. Comprised of 15 member nations, five of which, the UK, US, Russia, China and France are permanent members, the Security Council convenes whenever it considers a threat to world peace exists. The UN General Assembly, all member nations, gathers at regular intervals to metric international problems (The United Nations, 2007).Recent and continuing issues addressed by the UN include alleviating world hunger and disease, cut back child deaths, protecting the civil rights, language and culture of indigenous bulks of the world and confronting global warming, AIDS, the genocide in S udan, victims of natural disasters and war crimes among many other topics (UN News Service, 2007). No one can debate that the formation of the UN has provided relief and stabilisation for millions of the worlds population over the past 60 years. However, many genuinely question the ability of this international organisation to successfully manage present and future adverse scenarios. The spot of the UN to stop imperialist actions was put in serious doubt when it could not stop the US from invading a sovereign country that did not initiate military conflict. The genocide in Darfur, Sudan was ignored until sound recently and many thousands of children worldwide die from starvation every day. In addition, globalization has gone distant beyond the scope of what could have been imagined in 1945. Globalization has also created new vulnerabilities to old threats. Criminal networks suffer advantage of the most advanced technologies to traffic around the world in drugs, arms, precious metals and stones even people (We the
Friday, April 19, 2019
Obamacare, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Essay
Obamacare, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act - Essay voiceOne of the benefits accruing from the Act is with regards to the f act upon that it offers an extension of Medicaids eligibility in 26 states for up to 138% for the poverty train in the federal hence making it possible for most of Americans to have access to health care. Whether a citizen gets a health amends coverage for themselves or whether it is d bingle by their employees, the Act abolishes actions that leave citizens without insurance covers when they need them the most. No person gets left out based on their gender or make up color. No canceling of policies Unlike before, an insurer cannot come forward and cancel a policy the moment one falls sick on claims that one had made a mistake when taking out the policy. The act of canceling is what is referred to a recession. If an applicant made an honest mistake while taking out the policy, their policy cannot, afterwards on, be canceled on that very ground the instance they fall ill. Appeals When someone feels aggrieved by a finality that an insurance company has reached regarding their policy, they have a right to go ahead and apply for an appeal. The applicant makes the tell appeal to a neutral or rather an independent reviewer who checks into their application and delivers a snuff it verdict in that regard. The response given by the independent reviewer is delivered within 72 hours when the health check condition is urgent in nature. No limited insurances Treatment for some illnesses can consume a lot of time and finances hence accumulating big medical bills.
Thursday, April 18, 2019
Organic Chemistry Aricle Critique - New Compound Synthesized Research Paper
Organic Chemistry Aricle Critique - New Compound Synthesized - look Paper ExampleThe compound is an aromatic ketone having a phenyl root word directly attached to the carbonyl group its chemical formula is C9H10O and its structural formula is COCH3C6H4CH3.Reduction occurs either by metal hydrides such as LAH or by hydrogen ketones are reduced to secondary alcohols. The statement in the name is arguable because reduction and not oxidation occurs with either compound yielding a secondary alcohol. catalytic hydrogenation or reduction by hydrogen is synonymous names for the same reaction which is valid. Tollens reagent is a reagent utilise to distinguish between aldehydes and ketones. Ketones do not react with the reagent which the author failed to demonstrate. P-methyacetophenone reacts to form a tertiary alcohol with ethylmagnesium bromide this point is accurate. The compound reacts with Grignard reagent giving magnesium alkoxide which then yields the tertiary alcohol when water i s added to it. all(a) in all, p-metyacetophenone is a compound used in perfumes and its synthesis is of great importance for the chemists.Calibrated look Review (CPR) Site. 31 Nov. 2000. The National Scrutinizer. Volume 88, Number 9. A New Compound Has Been Synthesized 04 Mar. 2009.
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Political Philosophy 3 paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
policy-making Philosophy 3 paper - Essay ExampleTherefore, this essay will delve on 2 Greek philosophers, Epictetus and Epicurus, to try to understand their ideologies regarding the importance of sustentation life without having to worry of the occurrence of death.According to quaint philosophy, Epicurus was an ancient philosopher that lived between two hundred and seventy whizz and three hundred and forty one B.C. He founded his school of philosophy in Athens where he spent most of his life. Epicurus was a philosopher who connect the aspect of pleasure with good and the aspect of bad with pain concerning living. This concept became Hedonism, a Greek script meaning pleasure. For Epicurus, being sensuous and exalting life did non quantify for Epicureanism to form opinion on the views of living. However, Epicurus was of the belief that a pleasurable life came from having calm emotions through the appreciation of simple moreover charming pleasantries of life. These pleasures i nclude good company of friends, a healthy diet, morally upright behavior, and good personal health. This meant that plurality were not to worry about death, but only had to concern themselves with pleasure and pain (Pojman 531). Therefore, Epicurus believed that death was not a feeling hence advising people not to be fearful of death.Ideally, this philosopher was a great worshiper in the doctrines of philosophy because to him philosophy was a constant factor in the life of any individual. Further, Epicurus mat that people needed to focus on the aspects of life that made them happy as part of living a fulfilled life. However, this philosopher had a queer belief in matters related to God and other gods, but acknowledged their existence. In essence, Epicurus believed that these higher deities received much accreditation for what they truly were not. For him, ill fate befell those that lived wicked lives and blessings followed those that did swell up hence
Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Nike - Recent Enviromental Changes Essay Example for Free
Nike Recent Enviromental Changes EssayINTRODUCTIONFounded in 1968 in Oregon, Nikes line of credit activities refer designing, development and the solid groundwide marketplaceing of high whole step app atomic number 18l, equipment, footgear and accessory products.Nike shell outs to approximately 140 countries some(prenominal) the terra firma and currently boasts an approximate r eventideue of $8,776,900,000 These revenues argon based on product sales of shoes, clothing, and former(a) sports products. Advertising expenditures currently total $223,300,000 and include the following allocations $64,975,000 for ne 2rk television, $31,447,000 for consumer magazines, $7,700,000 for spot television, $343,000 for overboldspapers, $134,000 for outdoor postings, and $36,000 for radio. (Reed Elsevier) Most footwear products atomic number 18 do outside of USA. However appargonl products are produced in the USA and abroad. (www.stat sight.ca)In this hold we will try to explor e the interaction amid the company Nike and its external business environs, as tumefy as the sexual strengths and weaknesses of the company. We will attempt to disc everyplace some of the signifi fundamentt changes and events in the external environment that render occurred in the last 5 days and put one across directly oppositioned Nike. We will set forth how the company adapted and resolveed to these changes and what the effects of these events were. Also we will identify and describe some of Nikes internal strengths and weaknesses.CHANGES AND EVENTS IN THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT INTERNATIONAL CRISESOne of the lots or less(prenominal) new-fangled worldwide environmental changes are the events of kinfolk eleventh 2001, when airplanes crashed into each of the World Trade Center towers in wise York, the Pentagon near capital letter, D.C., and near Pittsburgh, P.A. (www.geocities.com/capital of Greece/Acropolis/5232/) U.S. regime officials reported that the crashes wer e a coordinated terrorist attack. Since this catastrophe was non expected, no wiz was ready to act to it. Cole Haan store (owned by Nike), located in the World Trade Center plaza has been solely demolished. However, all of approximately 250-260 Nike and Cole Haan employees based in New York are safe and accounted for. In addition, no Nike employees were on board any of the planes relate in the terrorist attacks in New York, Pennsylvania and at the Pentagon. (www.centrum.sk) afterward closing on Tuesday, September 11th, and Wednesday, September 12th, all new(prenominal)wise Nike and Cole Haan stores in New York and Washington D.C. are open. (www.nike.com) This disaster affected not that the American people scarcely also the world frugality and many areas of business, including Nike Inc. The value of American dollar dropped rapidly and is recovering very slowly. Nike has a full-size amount of their products in inventory, which they are un fitted to sell and are preparing to cut down the occupation.This would mean a significant downsizing in number of employees. (www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/5232/) many another(prenominal) consumers have reduced their travel to veritable retail destinations in general consumers are purchasing few non-essential products. Nike expects lower sales and profits over the next several months as consumers closely monitor the U.S. attacks on Afghanistan. (www.nike.com) When a military campaign, like the one in Afghanistan, brings new developments or intensifies, U.S. consumers buy less, prompting retailers to be set about more cautious with their product orders. These events caused a 12 pct decline in dowrys since September 11th of Nike Inc., the patiences leader. (www.nike.com) The company said the September 11th attacks on the United States have disrupted some of its long-range strategy plans. Analysts have predicted a base decrease in quarterly earnings estimates for Nike. They also said they expect intravenous feedingth-quarter 2001 sales to be faded by the slowdown in consumer spending.(www.msn.com) Decline and slow recovery of Nikes stock since Sept. 11th 2001 (www.moneycentral.msn.co.uk)The company expects to get over back advertisement and production next year. (www.nike.com) Nike, as a global company, is straightway foc use its apparent movements on assisting in the relief efforts and in heeding President Bushs directive to regain business as quickly as possible. (www.sme.sk) Both local and national scarlet hybrid agencies have identified immediate financial reserve as their most critical need. For that reason, the Nike Foundation has been collecting contributions from individual Nike employees and factor outy partners across the country and end-to-end the world. Through matching funds, Nike is making a $1 million contribution to the American Red sweep up and a variety of other local relief organizations through matching funds of employees and factory partners. In addit ion, Nike partner factories in Asia, Feng Tay and Pou Chen, have donated $100,000 each to the American Red Cross. (www.nike.com) Nike also is working with relief agencies in New York, Washington D.C. and Pennsylvaniato provide donations of Nike products for victims who are affected by these tragic circumstances, as proper as for those involved in the rescue and recovery efforts.These donations include more than 14,000 t-shirts, 11,400 pairs of socks, 1,200 pairs of Nike ACG work boots, 1,000 towels, plus hundreds of pairs of shoes, warm-ups, jackets, sudation shirts and gym bags for rescue workers to store their personal belongings. (www.sme.sk) (www.nike.com) Nike and Niketown New York will proceed to coordinate with relief and government agencies and provide as many requested products as possible for fire and rescue personnel. Already, more than $300,000 Nike products have been delivered or are on their focal point to New York relief agencies. (www.nike.com) Nike US employees participated in a Red Cross blood drive on Sept. 24-25 at its Beaverton-based world headquarters and Oct. 1st and Oct. 5th in its Memphis distribution center location. Nike also has donated money to pat for airtime for two 30-second advertisements to the Red Cross during the Oct. 7 dispel of the World Cup qualifying match between Team USA and Jamaica on ABC, as come up as purchasing space the West 4th wall in Manhattan for advertisements. (www.nike.com) The previous numbers signalize Nikes response to this huge global change from complaisant as well as from the business take down of view.Nikes donations as a response to the events of Sept. 11th 2001 Organization Amount Designation American Red Cross $250,000 ($106,000 from Nike employees globally) Relief efforts in NY, Washington, DC, and Pennsylvania PBA Widows and Childrens Police Relief Fund c/o Police liberality Association $175,000 Assistance to NY families for interment lives and family option expenses UFA Widows Ch ildrens Fund c/o Uniformed awaken Fighters Assn $175,000 Assistance to NY families for burial speak tos and family survival expenses Federal Employee Education Assistance Fund $100,000 Assistance to families for burial costs and family survival expenses International Association of Fire Fighters $50,000 Assistance to NY families for burial costs and family survival expenses New York State Fraternal Order of Police WTC Fund $50,000 Assistance to NY families for burial costs and family survival expenses Catholic Charities USA $50,000 Immediate counseling and family services for those impacted by NY disasters United Methodist commissioning on Relief $50,000 Immediate counseling and family services forthose impacted by NY disasters Mercy Corps facilitate for Kids Project $25,000 Helping children and families in NY and Washington DC Misc. adventure fund $75,000 Programs and organizations promoting racial and religious ameliorate and community building efforts Total Reported Cas h Donations $1 million (www.nike.com)E-BUSINESSAs the modern world changes through advances in technology, the global market economy also changes, affecting global businesses such as Nike Inc. Technological changes in the form of machines and mechanical inventions affected the economy during the industrial revolution, but today the advances are more in computer technology. The first computer was produced in the US approximately 50 years ago and was the size of a bountiful room needing its own electric power plant and cost a million dollars to build. This gigantic computer could only do simple calculations. Computers have since decreased swellly in size and cost and increased in productivity and capabilities. In the 1980s thither were unsound improvements in microprocessors, which allowed for the huge technological advances of the 90s. Computers are now part of many households and almost every family in the developed world has a computer. The top personal computer now costs between $2500 and $3500 compared to the bigger models earlier in the past century. The earnings has also been expanding globally and has changed our world into and global village.The first recitation of the net was developed in 1969, during the Cold War by the US department of defense as a communication in case of nuclear attack. The net became available in the 1980s for electronic mail and Internet chats, but improvements in HTML in the 1990s sparked the birth of a new way of communication and business (www.freespace.virgin.net/g.hirst/). A recent survey calculated 120 million users of the net ecumenic and numbers are still growing at an enormous rate. The development quick loading and the immediate moving Internet attracted people to do more things on the Internet. One of the new advances of the Internet is an E-business. Many people are now ordering goods and services over the Internet. One other use of Internet is also advertisement. Recently, Nike has been trying to find new mark ets and consumers. One huge innovation to get closer to the client is through the Internet. The Internet extend tos information available to people all around the world.Nikes web page is intentional to entertain the visitor through innovative, colourful graphics to inform the potential customer of Nikes activities and promoteand sell their products through the E-shop. The Nike accommodates to the world row of Internet and shopping over the Internet. They made their own web-shop where visiting customers can easily find the product, which they are looking for. This is a great way to improve future business of the company as Internet business is improving so quickly. It is also important to put a lot of effort and quality into the services offering through the Internet to make a good reputation about the services and name of the company. (www.niketown.com) GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS, LAWS AND TRADE BARRIERS In 1994, the EU commission obligate quotas on certain types of footwear manufac tured in China. Special Technology Athletic Footwear, footwear designed for use in sporting activities, met certain technical criteria and footwear having a CIF (cost, insurance and freight) price to a higher place 9 EUROs was excluded from these quotas.All other footwear produced by Nike falls under the quotas. However Nike feels that the quotas have not material effect on their business. (www.nike.com) In 1995 the EU commission initiated two anti-dumping legislations covering footwear trade from China, Indonesia and Thailand. In 1997 and 1998, the commission imposed definite anti-dumping duties on certain synthetic, textile and leather upper footwear originating from China Indonesia and Thailand. These anti-dumping duties have exclusions for STAF footwear, sports footwear and footwear with the CIF above 5,6 EUROs. (www.nike.com) This means the anti-dumping duties apply only to low cost footwear, which means that Nike can distribute most products except children shoes and low cos t sandals. However Nike shifted the production of these types of footwear to other countries and therefore the anti-dumping duties have not had a material affect on their business. (www.centrum.sk)If the EU measures become more restrictive Nike recommends that the European subsidiaries consider shifting the production of footwear to other countries in order to maintain competitive pricing. Nike continues to closely monitor global restrictions and maintain a multi-country sourcing strategy and contingency plans. Nike believes that their major competitors are in the similar position. (www.pravda.sk) NEW MARKETS AND CONSUMER TRENDS Revenue for the past three years of Nikes international (non-US) and US market (www.nikebiz.com) everywhere the past 4-5 years many new markets have opened for Nike, not only from the geographical point of view and expansions outside the US but also from the customer bring and trends perspective.(www.centrum.sk) As the concept of the global village is bec oming reality, more unexploded markets are opening up. Nike divides its global business into four regions the United States, Europe, Asia Pacific, and the Americas. (www.nike.com) While each region increased revenue in the financial year 2001, most of its growth came from the new unexplored markets outside.In the last seven years, Nike has built many international branch offices and subsidiaries as a response to the changing market. These are located in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Czechoslovakian Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Indonesia, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, The Netherlands, Norway, Peoples Republic of China, The Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Singapore, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, the United Kingdom and Vietnam. (www.nike.com) Percentage of footwear production in proper(postnominal) countries The European m arket for athletic footwear and apparel continues to flourish. Every day, new shops open with a fealty to presentation and service that NIKE emphasizes. Nike feels the emotional connection growing in Europe is similar to the one NIKE created in the U.S. 20 years ago. (www.nike.com) Nikes Asian market is very profitable but also very demanding one. This market depends on authentic sports positioning and the ability to deliver technology-based performance products. Nikes attempt to fulfill these criteria has so distant been very successful.Nike is especially enthusiastic about the World Cup coming to Japan and Korea in 2002. They accept this will provide them with a great opportunity to influence their soccer success in Asia. (www.nike.com) The most competitive and developed market in the world for Nike is the USA. Revenues in this market grow at two percent per year. Although Nike has been struggling in some areas of this market, it continues to lead the athletic footwear market i n address and product innovation. Apparel in the U.S. is slowly making its way back to the market after duplicate of tough quarters in the past 2 years. U.S. Apparel is currently up 9% in revenue for the year and is starting to stabilize in the second half of fiscal 2001. (www.nike.com) Changes that have occurred in customer demand are directly proportional to the present trends of people. correspond to recent researches, American kids have only 25 percent of theirdaily life considered as free time, compared to about 40 percent in 1981. (www.nike.com) For a sports company this means less demand for leisure time clothes, footwear and equipment. According to statistics, athletic footwear sales have shown a decrease in the third quarter. This fact represents back-to-school sales, indicating less interest by the crucial teenage market as it moves toward different looks in the footwear area. This may be explained by an overall shift of interest and fashion in this market from sports t oward entertainment, music, and celebrities.A recent trend in the athletic footwear business shows that several of the large corporations are losing market share due to the declining sales in traditional markets. As aerobics, fitness and cross training markets decline there is a shift to non-traditional sports. By 1998, the publicity for a market in brown shoes had passed. brown shoes never impacted the athletic footwear market as predicted. Instead, hiking, off-trail and fashion footwear continue to show strong growth, with many athletic footwear companies expanding into those areas. (www.nike.com) It is predicted that the market for athletic footwear has peaked and is now declining and leveling off at a production level of about 300 million pairs. appearance driven spikes often occur, such as in 1995 where a production level of 345 million pairs was reached.This is viewed as a bonus for the industry. (www.nike.com) Retailers will thrive at the 300 million pair a year production l evel by working with retailers to consolidate store locations, manage inventories and maximize sell-through. The continued trend over the last five years is the consumers willingness to feed, on average, higher prices for athletic footwear. (www.proquest.com)IMPORTANT FINANCIAL EVENTSThe financial interactions between countries and governments affect the profits of the large corporations such as Nike and the retail values of their products. In trade union America legal proceeding are often measured in US dollars. This mutual currency makes transactions easier between countries. In the European Union, 15 different countries must convert their different currencies when doing business with other countries. This often accounts for increased retail prices in international goods and services.On January 1st 1999, 11 of the 15 members countries of the European Unionestablished permanent renewal rates between their existing currencies and the new EURO, the new common currency of the Eur opean union. Until the end of the transition period, public and private parties may pay for goods and services using the countries received currency or the EURO. Starting January 2002, the EURO will be the official currency of the EU and the original currencies will be completely withdrawn from circulation by June 30th 2002. (www.nike.com) Since January 1998 Nike has been researching the complications and affects of the transitions to the EURO. Nikes devoted project team has made modifications to inform technology systems supporting the market, management, invoicing, pay roles and cash management functions in order to make their conversion smooth.Nike believes that the introduction of the EURO will eliminate inequalities in exchange rates between countries although differences in cost between countries and different tax rates will still affect price differences at the retail level. Over the past three years Nike has been actively working to asses and coiffe a practices in pricing to extend effectively under this new currency. (www.nike.com) The cost of adapting Nikes systems and practices to the use of the EURO total approximately 8 millions US dollars and was generally related to the modification of their existing systems. Nike also believes that the change of currency will not have an impact on the financial conditions of results of operation. (www.nikebiz.com)INTERNAL STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES STRENGTHSDecision Making Nikes strongest weapon is decision-making. Their managerial team has been able to make decisions specific to their needs and although not all the time, most of the time they were right. They combined rationality, intuition and experience to come up with the best decisions ever made in this market. To prove the above, we can just look at some of their well-known choices made in the past. Nike managers decided to rely on globalization and externalization of risk of infection through wholly or partly-owned subsidiaries. (www.nike.com) The fac t that they have subsidiaries all over the world helps them to become more flexible and partially getting rid of potential risk. Their flexibility is proved by the diversity of sports areas they are involved in, which has also turned out to be a great decision since Nike is dominating most of these markets. (www.nike.com) This company is able to manufacture products for a dozen of different sports and still keep the top quality in all of them. From thestart, the managers of Nike decided to count on customer satisfaction and total quality of their products, realizing the social expectations that lied upon their shoulders.They have believed that quality outweighs the extra amount of money spent on manufacturing of the best products on the market. One of the most important decisions of Nikes management was advertising. They spent large amounts of money on commercials, which have in the long term paid back in multiples. They have used famous athletes to promote their brand, which is con sidered a great strategic plan. Also they decided to involve in various social activities. Their extraordinary advertising has helped them to develop the well-known image they have. (www.msn.com) The owners of the company visualized, gave the company a form, set their goals and then they tried to chance upon them.They leased the right personnel and they motivated them by generally higher wages than their competitors were offering. They also involved their employees in initiating and implementing change. According to these employees, Nike allowed them to gain self confidence, express their creativity, and involve in making decisions that need not only the expertise of a manager but also an experience of a worker. (www.nike.com) Looking at the present results of Nikes decisions, this kind of empowerment has shown to be a great choice.Research and Development Efforts Nike believes that the key factor of its success originates from their research and development efforts. (www.nike.com ) They emphasize the technical innovation in the design of their products to achieve their manufacturing goals, which are to create products capable of reducing injury, increasing athletes performance and maximizing comfort. Of course, Nike pays a lot of attention to their products design respectively to the present trends. (www.sgma.com) Since these criteria require a specific expertise, recruitment is one of the most important managerial issues of Nike. Looking at their past, we have to admit that they have succeeded in this with excellence. Nike has own staff of specialists in the areas of biomechanics, commit physiology, engineering, industrial design and others. They also have committees specialized on research and advisory.These committees are made of top-level athletes, coaches, trainers, equipment managers, orthopedics, podiatrists and other experts. (www.nike.com) These people use their expertise and experience tohelp Nike on its way to improvement. They help them to devel op new better products and improve upon present products. They also consult the company about designs, materials, and concept for product improvement. Athletes engage or sponsored by Nike test-prove the companys products during the development process. These facts are strongly held within the company and Nike is proud to include them in their reports (www.nikebiz.com).WEAKNESSESAbility To Respond And Adapt To Changes Since Nike is a consumer products company, the demand for their products highly depends on popularity of different sports and activities and the changing trends. thence they should be able to respond to these changes in costumer preferences and quickly adapt to them. This company must adjust their existing products, develop new ones, and create styles that are specific to the trends. (www.sgma.com) They also have to make an effort to influence sports and fitness preferences through aggressive marketing. This kind of environment is very unstable and puts one against ma ny different sources of risk. If you fail to react quickly to such changes it will show up on your sales and profits reports. Since Nike has been occupying the top of the sports equipment manufacturers chart for a long time they are getting used to their strategies, which are now becoming habits. (www.nike.com) This may be very useful in some cases but concord to analysts, over time, organizations develop and lock into ways of doing business, in spite of changing conditions.Nikes strategy has been to dominate only the markets that are relatively safe and tend to be very profitable since it has become the worlds leader in this market. (www.nike.com) Despite their great decision making abilities this has turned out to be a very unretentive choice. For example, Nike did not respond to the growing market of aerobics and fitness training because it seemed too small to be worth that much attention. (www.sgma.com) However, Reebok developed a line of aerobics and fitness equipment which h as met a lot of popularity among the customers. Since then, Reebok has been preeminent this market, which is currently the area of their main interest. (www.sgma.com) This was an example of a slow response to environmental changes. However, there are areas where Nike responded quickly and still was not quite successful. For example, soccer is currently the number 1 sport in the world and is currently dominated by the brand Adidas.(www.fisonline.com)Even though Nike soccer equipment qualitatively meets the Adidas products, Nike has not been able to take over this market. So what was wrong with their reaction? To dominate such a large market you have to be more aggressive and be able to gain customers attention. (www.sgma.com) Nikes failure in the soccer market is generally seen as the lack of interest, aggressivity and creativity in this area of business. (www.referaty.sk) Growth caller-out That Has Not Grown Fiscal year 2001 was an above average year for Nike. However, it was not great even though they finished hard in the fourth quarter. This year was fairly similar to the last four years. During that time Nike has been a growth company that has not grown. Until the end of the fiscal year 1997 everything was going great for Nike. From 1994 to 1997 this company went from being a strong company with growing market share and $3 one thousand thousand in revenues to one with dominant market share and revenues over $9 billion. (www.nike.com) Everything seemed to be going amend for Nike, they were successful in everything they touched and they were growing rapidly. At the end of the fiscal year 1997 they found themselves in a position where employees were euphoric, but overworked since there was not enough of them.To keep this enthusiasm going they hired more people and continued on their path to becoming a truly global company. (www.sgma.com) Since they effected that this couldnt be accomplished over few years they were trying to be the best at everything they were doing as well as building a strong team for the future. (www.nike.com) This was exactly the point where their growth has frozen and never started again. They penetrated new markets successfully, but were not able to keep up the standards they had set before. They focused on new areas of business so much that they forgot to do the old simple things right. (www.sgma.com) Despite all these efforts the industry was stand still. There were different reasons for this such as the U.S. market hitting the quoin point, Nike launching a massive 3-year supply train overhaul and the tough period in the Asian economy. (www.nike.com) The U.S. market recession point was well expected since this market had grown so fast. Nike launching the massive 3-year supply chain overhaul, which was well in advance of the competition, was not a productive strategy in short-term but its benefits are supposed to show up in the fiscal year 2002. (www.nike.com) Lastly the downside of the Asian economy was also predictable since this isa market with big turnovers and risks. However, it was not expected to influence Nike as much as it did.Great companies are able to deal with such events and keep on growing. Nike managers did not pay enough attention to these facts and that was the main reason of their growth halt. (www.sgma.com) Even though Nike is currently growing in some areas of market, such as Europe, Asia, Latin America and the soccer and golf markets, overall they are standing still. (www.nike.com) Year 2001 is the proof of the above. In this year Nike forgot to compete mid- and low-priced footwear in the U.S. and they were not able to match their orders and production well, in which they were very successful in the past. Now, Nike has to face a big decision. They can accept the problems they have and let their business go slowly down, or keep excelling in some things, be average in others and stay at the point where they are now.However, the best choice for Nike would be to fi nd the solutions to their problems and start growing again. (www.msn.com) (www.sgma.com)CONCLUSIONNikes environment is very unstable and exposures companies to unexpected risks. Generally, Nike has been able to respond to these changes (except few exceptions) by their creativity and flexibility. This company tries to prevent a direct impact of these changes on them by externalizing risk. Despite these facts, Nikes expansion is not as significant as it is expected to be. This is caused by some of their internal weakness and external changes. However, they still remain number 1 in the world footwear market. ( association Profiles For Students)BIBLIOGRAPHY1. Company Profiles For Students vol.2 m-z 1999 1st ed. P. 944-949 2. www.proquest.com 3. www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/5232/ 4. www.sgma.com 5. www.centrum.sk 6. www.zoznam.sk 7. www.freespace.virgin.net/g.hirst 8. www.fisonline.com 9. www.statcan.ca 10. www.moneycentral.msn.co.uk 11. www.msn.com 12. www.nike.com 13. www.niketow n.com 14. www.nikebiz.com 15. www.sme.sk 16. www.pravda.sk 17. www.referat.sk 18. Reed Elsevier, 2000
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